Google Algorithm updates and features,

Subrat Seo
5 min readMar 5, 2024


All the updates with dates

Google Panda (2011): Focused on content quality and penalized low-quality or duplicate content.

Google Penguin (2012): Targeted websites with spammy backlink profiles, penalizing those engaged in manipulative link-building practices.

Google Hummingbird (2013): Emphasized the understanding of user intent and context in search queries, improving the overall search experience.

Google Pigeon (2014): Primarily affected local search results, providing more accurate and relevant local results.

Google Mobile-Friendly Update (2015): A significant update that gave preference to mobile-friendly websites in mobile search results.

Google RankBrain (2015): An AI-driven algorithm that uses machine learning to understand and interpret search queries, contributing to better search results.

Google Fred (2017): Targeted low-quality content and ad-heavy, affiliate-focused websites.

Google Medic Update (2018): Affected health and medical-related websites, emphasizing expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) in these niches.

Google BERT (2019): A major update that aimed to better understand the context of words in a search query, leading to more accurate and relevant results.

Google Core Updates (Multiple): Google regularly releases broad core algorithm updates that can impact rankings and search results. These updates are designed to improve the overall quality of search results

1.The Google Panda algorithm update was initially launched in February 2011. It was designed to address issues related to the quality of content on websites and aimed to penalize low-quality or thin content while promoting high-quality, valuable content.

Key features of the Panda update include:

Content Quality: Panda focused on assessing the quality of content on webpages. Websites with thin, duplicated, or low-quality content saw a drop in rankings.

Duplicate Content: Panda targeted websites that had duplicate or substantially similar content across multiple pages, aiming to present diverse and valuable information in search results.

User Experience: Websites with poor user experiences, such as excessive ads, poor navigation, and a high bounce rate, were also affected. Google aimed to provide users with a positive experience by promoting sites with engaging and helpful content.

Authority and Trust: The update emphasized the importance of establishing authority and trust. Websites with credible and authoritative content were favored over those lacking in expertise.

Regular Updates: Panda was initially a periodic update but was later integrated into Google’s core algorithm, meaning that it continuously assesses and ranks websites based on content quality.

2.The Google Penguin algorithm update, first launched in April 2012, primarily targeted websites engaged in manipulative link-building practices. The update aimed to penalize websites with spammy or unnatural backlink profiles, focusing on the quality and relevance of links.

Key features of the Penguin update include:

Link Quality: Penguin specifically addressed the quality of backlinks pointing to a website. Websites with an unnatural or manipulative link profile, such as those involved in link schemes, paid links, or excessive link exchanges, were at risk of being penalized.

Anchor Text Manipulation: Penguin also targeted websites that excessively used exact-match anchor text in their backlinks, seeing it as an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings.

Link Diversity: The update encouraged a diverse and natural link profile. Websites with a wide range of high-quality, contextually relevant links were favored over those with a disproportionate number of low-quality or irrelevant links.

Penalties and Recoveries: Penguin could result in significant ranking drops for affected websites. However, the update allowed for recoveries once a website cleaned up its link profile and improved the quality of its backlinks.

Real-Time Updates: In later versions, Penguin became part of Google’s core algorithm and operated in real-time. This meant that websites could recover or be penalized as soon as Google recrawled and reindexed their pages.

3.The Google Hummingbird algorithm update was announced in September 2013. Unlike many previous updates that were incremental changes, Hummingbird represented a significant shift in Google’s search algorithm. The update aimed to improve the understanding of user intent and context in search queries, providing more accurate and relevant search results.

Key features of the Hummingbird update include:

Semantic Search: Hummingbird introduced a more advanced understanding of the semantics of search queries. It aimed to go beyond simply matching keywords and focused on comprehending the user’s intent behind the search.

Conversational Search: With the rise of voice search, Hummingbird was designed to handle more complex, conversational queries. It could understand natural language and context, allowing for more accurate results for long-tail and conversational searches.

Entity Search: Google started to focus on understanding entities (people, places, things) and their relationships on the web. This helped provide more relevant and interconnected search results.

Mobile Optimization: As part of the update, Google emphasized the importance of mobile-friendly content and improved the mobile search experience. This aligns with the growing trend of mobile device usage for internet searches.

User Intent: Hummingbird aimed to better understand the user’s search intent rather than just matching keywords. This allowed Google to provide more relevant results even when the query did not precisely match the content on a webpage.

Knowledge Graph Integration: Hummingbird worked in conjunction with Google’s Knowledge Graph, a system that understands information about people, places, and things and how they are interconnected. This integration helped provide more informative search results.

read all about updates of google algorithm in my ppt, clickhere



Subrat Seo

Passionate about navigating ever-evolving landscape of SEO, I am Subrat Sethi, an accomplished SEO Specialist with a keen eye for optimizing online presence.